Hiring modular buildings is a cost efficient strategy

Changing rooms

Modular structures are a great option for anyone wanting to quickly expand space on a budget. They can be affordable to buy and hire. Both options are cost efficient, whether you need changing rooms, a classroom, or security buildings. By lowering spending on permanent construction, you can minimise the outlay. Let’s look at how modular buildings can save you money and why hiring may be best. Continue reading “Hiring modular buildings is a cost efficient strategy”

Modular building design considerations

Modular buildings for sale

We’re a business that focuses on refurbishing, relocating, and installing portable buildings. This is the area we’ve worked in for more than three decades. Our reputation is one built on reliability and quality. The team can offer a myriad of services to clients, as well as top tier results. There are also plenty of modular buildings for sale from us should you need them. Continue reading “Modular building design considerations”

How to design sports changing rooms?

Changing rooms

According to the latest figures from IBISWorld, 63.2% of the population in the UK will participate in sport in 23/24. This includes everything from football to cycling. Providing the right facilities and infrastructure is important for ensuring people can remain active. Changing rooms are a vital part of this because some people will choose not to do sport if they can’t change in comfort. Continue reading “How to design sports changing rooms?”