Think about sizing when you design changing rooms

Changing rooms

Whether it is a gym, a school, a leisure centre or even a water park or hotel, you need to think about your changing rooms. It is important to strike the right balance between the number of facilities and the sizes. You don’t want big queues forming because you don’t have enough space. However, you also don’t want people to be uncomfortable in rooms that make it difficult to change or shower. Continue reading “Think about sizing when you design changing rooms”

Top reasons to choose portable toilet blocks instead of mobile toilets

Portable toilet blocks

For years the best choice for temporary toilet facilities was mobile toilets. They were a common sight on construction sites, at events, and in various other locations. However, portable toilet blocks have become a viable alternative. They actually offer a number of benefits too. We want to look at them today so you can see why they are such a great choice. Continue reading “Top reasons to choose portable toilet blocks instead of mobile toilets”

What affects the longevity of modular buildings?

Modular buildings

Many people like the idea of using modular buildings due to the lower costs. Although, some believe these structures won’t last all that long. This isn’t the case. They will generally last longer than you think. Construction techniques are constantly evolving, and they are built to the same standards as traditional constructs. So, you can get many years of use from them. Continue reading “What affects the longevity of modular buildings?”

Every good gym changing room needs certain elements

Changing rooms

For many personal trainers and fitness experts, establishing a gym is a dream. Health and fitness has grown in popularity over time. The rise of social media has helped with this immensely. There is no better time to consider establishing your own gym. For yours to get off to the best possible start, you must design your changing rooms in the right way. After you purchase the equipment and make the rest of the establishment look inviting, you need to start on these vital facilities. Continue reading “Every good gym changing room needs certain elements”