How to design sports changing rooms?

According to the latest figures from IBISWorld, 63.2% of the population in the UK will participate in sport in 23/24. This includes everything from football to cycling. Providing the right facilities and infrastructure is important for ensuring people can remain active. Changing rooms are a vital part of this because some people will choose not to do sport if they can’t change in comfort.

If you are thinking about designing a space for people to get changed, there are a number of important things to look at. This will ensure you create facilities that will satisfy the user’s needs.

The space

Firstly, you need to think about the total amount of space you need. Are you creating a changing room for a team? Or will there only be a handful of users at a time? You need to make sure you get the capacity right so people don’t have to wait to get changed.

Leading on from this, you need to look at the bench space. You may need to provide around 500mm for each person. This can mean you have to accommodate several metres of benches in the changing rooms. Make sure they are deep enough too so people can sit comfortably if they need to.


If you need to provide shower facilities you also need to factor in capacity. A single shower won’t be enough for a full team to use. However, one or two might be enough for a smaller changing room. Take the time to consider whether you need separate enclosures or multi-shower blocks.


Almost every changing room will need some form of lockers for users. It will give them a place to leave their possessions while they are active. The capacity is an important consideration here too. You might only need a couple of lockers. Alternatively, you might need a full bank of them to allow dozens of users. Make sure you consider the locker size too.

Other facilities

Sometimes you need to include specific spaces in the changing room. For example, a sports team may need a separate room for the physio or even a kitchen area. Consider this and ensure you will have enough space for them.

Talk to us about changing rooms

Modular buildings are a wonderful option here. They are cost effective, much cheaper than brick and mortar buildings. You can also position them wherever you need to, including at sports fields. You can get the internal layout exactly how you want too. It can even include space for showers and toilets, as well as other facilities.

If you want to find out more about changing rooms, contact us. We can help you choose a suitable modular building and interior, then we arrange installation and more.