Designing the perfect changing rooms using modular buildings

When you think about changing rooms you probably imagine a gym, sports club, or even a stadium. They are essential in all of these places to provide somewhere for people to change into and out of sportwear.

However, they have more uses than that. You can also find them at building sites and various industrial facilities. Here they are necessary to offer facilities so workers can put on their PPE before entering. In some cases there is a legal requirement to have them and rules to follow regarding the design. This is especially true when dangerous substances like asbestos are involved.

Modular buildings

In many cases the changing facilities are a permanent part of the building. However, there are many other situations where they aren’t. This can be the case simply because there are no buildings on the site. Or, it could be that the permanent ones are not big enough. In addition, there will be some times when people will only need the space temporarily.

Whatever the situation, modular buildings can be a fantastic solution for changing rooms. They are cost effective, easy to install, have short build times, and offer economic benefits.

Most importantly, you can decide exactly how you want the interior. It gives you exceptional flexibility. For example, you may simply want rows of benches to maximise the capacity. Or you might need something more complex such as individual cubicles and a line of lockers. You may even want showers, sinks, and toilets. Whatever your needs, you can design the modular building to your exact specifications. You can even choose the decor.

Even better here, you can choose the size and layout to suit you. For example, you may want to attach several units together to create a really large space with enough room for everyone to change at once. Or you might want to keep units separate for privacy for different genders. You could even opt for stacking if there isn’t space available on the site.

Speak to us about designing changing rooms

From schools to sports teams and all kinds of businesses, you may need to provide space for people to get changed. As you have seen from the info above, modular buildings are a wise choice. They can be permanent or temporary to suit your needs.

If you are looking at options here, we would be happy to help. Our expertise with these buildings is incredibly useful. We can talk to you about sizes, layouts, features and fittings, and much more.

So, speak to us today about changing rooms. We’ll make sure you get a great modular building that will give you the best value.