Why are portable toilet blocks the convenient option?

Most of us take toilets for granted because we have them at home, work, and in many other public places. But, it doesn’t take long to miss them. It could be a camp or festival site that doesn’t have any permanent WC infrastructure. Or you could be working in a remote place where facilities aren’t available. Seeing mobile toilets or portable toilet blocks in these locations is fantastic. It shows you can go to the bathroom in relative comfort.

Portable blocks are often the most convenient option for these situations. We want to have a look at the main reasons why here.


Firstly, the portable buildings are way more flexible in terms of the layout. You can choose standard or custom plans here to suit any needs. This can include different stall sizes, sinks, mirrors, and much more. Some can even have an area for changing and dressing tables. You can also have disabled toilets in the same building.

Time saving

It is incredibly quick and easy to set up the portable toilet blocks. The buildings themselves can be made in advance and delivered to site ready for installation. It is then just a matter of plumbing everything in and adding other facilities.

Catering for any need

The blocks can cater for any kind of needs. For example, you can have them at camp sites, festivals, sports fields, building sites, and much more. If there are no permanent facilities, they can be the perfect option. They are also great as temporary bathrooms if permanent ones are out of order for any reasons. You can even choose them for emergencies.

Sustainability and economy

Toilet blocks are a great choice if you want sustainable and economic solutions. In terms of sustainability, they are excellent. You can use them for as long as you need. Then, once you finish they can be installed elsewhere. Or you can change the layout and use the buildings for something else entirely. This is more economical than other options too. You can also save money and resources by ensuring they operate economically.

Do you want to learn more about portable toilet blocks?

S&S Site Services has a huge amount of experience with portable buildings. We have helped clients who use them for all kinds of things, including toilets, changing rooms, and much more. You can work with us to find the right solution. Then, we can arrange installation for you. So, get in touch today.