Providing toilets and welfare facilities for construction sites

Health and safety is absolutely crucial on construction sites. There are a number of different legal requirements to observe here. This even includes the provision of toilets and welfare facilities. We want to have a closer look at the laws so you know more about your responsibilities. Then if you want to arrange portable toilet blocks and other welfare units, you can rely on us.

Two important resources

There are two crucial things you must look at; HSE guidelines and the actual regulations.

The Health and Safety Executive is the agency in charge of governing health, safety, and welfare in the UK. As a result, they have guidelines, tools, and other resources to help employers. They have recommendations for toilets and welfare on construction sites. They include numbers, electrical safety, cleaning, and other important topics.

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 detail the legal obligations for toilets and washing facilities. The key one is there must be enough on a site to account for the size of the workforce and their hours. As a rule there should be one flushing or chemical toilet at least for every seven people working 40 hour weeks.

In terms of washing facilities, they must be suitable for the nature of work. For example, showers should be provided if there is a need to limit exposure to harmful substances. Wash basins should also be deep enough to allow people to wash not just their hands, but also their arms up to the elbows. The facilities should have hot and cold water, as well as sufficient soap and drying solutions.


Portable toilet blocks can be a great option for construction sites. They can provide convenience and flexibility. You can decide exactly what you need and have all facilities in each block. For example, you could have one with toilets, showers, and wash basins. You can even include spaces for changing.

There are plenty of advantages with portable blocks too. They can be more reliable and easier to clean than individual toilets. In addition, they are suitable for all kinds of sites. You can place them in the ideal locations. If there is infrastructure in place, you can connect to existing water supplies, electrics, and drainage systems. If not, you can choose units with everything you need, including water tanks and pumps.

Another great advantage is you can easily relocate the entire blocks. This can be necessary on large construction sites as the work progresses and people start working on different parts.

Talk to us about portable toilet blocks

At S&S Site Services we have a huge amount of experience with modular buildings. We appreciate they are the perfect option for all kinds of needs. For example, they can be toilet blocks, welfare facilities, offices, canteens, classrooms, and much more. Whatever you need, you can rely on us. We offer installation, refurbishment, sales, and more.

So, speak to us if you need portable toilet blocks for construction sites or any other situations. We’ll help you to get exactly what you need.